Hello! I’m Wally Sasseen. welcome to my pet poop bag online store and I’d love to share my entrepreneurial story with you.

As a pet lover and a dog owner, I am acutely aware of the importance of pet poop bags in our lives.

I have found that owning a pet can also bring some worries, one of which is how to dispose of pet poop.

When I need to clean up my pet’s poop, I always use traditional plastic bags, which are not only environmentally unfriendly but also inconvenient.

So, I was always searching for a convenient, sustainable, and high-quality pet poop bag but could never find a satisfactory product.

I did a lot of research online, read many reviews, and tried many different brands of pet poop bags, but none of them were good enough.

In the process, I discovered that many other pet lovers had the same problem. They had spent a lot of time and money trying different brands of pet poop bags, but they had not found one that met their needs.

This inspired me to create an e-commerce platform that collects high-quality pet poop bags and sells them. I wanted to provide reliable, high-quality, and eco-friendly pet poop bags for all pet owners, so I created

I started to help save pet lovers the hassle of wasting time and money on trying various brands of poop bags.

I hope they can find a pet poop bag that meets their needs on

I think that every pet deserves to be cared for and that we should also contribute to the environment.

I firmly believe that by providing high-quality, environmentally friendly, and sustainable pet poop bags, we can make a difference in our environment and society.

I love hearing from our customers! Whatever your feedback, comments or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or 815-656-7481. Contact: Wally Sasseen. I will get back to you within 24 hours of receiving the message.